New Music Video: “LA NOTA” Smooth, Hard Thumping Reggeaton by Nio Garcia + Casper Magico + Yandel

Reggaeton Stars, Nio Garcia, Casper Magico, and Yandel swing and hang around buildings in new music video “LA NOTA”
Nio Garcia and Casper Magico are back with a hot new music video with Reggaeton legend Yandel. “La Nota” directed by Gus is a smooth but hard thumping perreo for the ladies, well for everyone that enjoys good classic Reggaeton del Bueno. This song is part of their latest album “Now Or Never”, the video itself shows the flashy Reggaeton Stars, Nio Garcia, Casper Magico, and Yandel swinging and hanging around buildings and girls dancing to “La Nota” below on the street, very cool and creative.
Check out the video.